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English to French phrases and vocabulary exercises

business finance / les affaires et la finance
Take a look at the English to French phrases below. Try to remember them, then take the Vocabulary Exercise by following one of these links.

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(You must type every answer)

English French
phrase comment phrase comment
the insurance les assurances fem.
the capital le capital
the cashflow le flux financier
the tax l'impôt masc.
the accountant le comptable
the profit le bénéfice
the deficit le déficit
the accounts les comptes
the assets l'actif masc.
the turnover le chiffre d'affaires
the depreciation la dépréciation
the dividend le dividence
the forecast les prévisions fem.
the liabilities le passif
the overheads les frais généraux masc.
the interest rate le taux d'intérêt
the balance sheet le bilan